The world is full of very smart people with amazing ideas, ideas that have the potential to inspire, change everything and make millions. Unfortunately, most of these ideas end up failing to fulfill its promises.
Ideas have to be translated into a well thought strategy and product or service that can be designed, built, sold and delivered in scale. But the moment of truth comes afterwards, when the rubber meets the road.

In order to achieve radical growth, organizations need to execute strategies that require a lasting change in the behavior of their people and here is where they make it or break it.

Organizations going for radical growth need to deeply transform themselves and their practices to become the company they aspire to. This is not “change” as change is temporary. It is a deep, structural, usually painful “transformation” where the essence changes, never to go back.

If the perfect solution looks great on paper but will never be implemented because it requires too many resources, then it is not the perfect solution.

At Kanda we strive for the real perfect solution, that is the one that successfully meets the road. We accompany organizations through their transformation process following our core beliefs:

We use a series of workshops specially designed to help the management develop the ability to sense and seize opportunities and pain points and then surgically design interventions that will have the greatest impact.

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